With such a diversity of peoples, tribes, religions and customs, Africa provides a rich source for artefacts of every description. I have hardly even touched on the possibilities. However, at least this is a start!

fertile.jpg - 3223 BytesAKUA'MAA - FERTILITY DOLLS

Akua'maa are carved wooden figures that are believed to induce pregnancy and ensure a safe delivery. Fertility rites are conducted by a priest giving the blessing of the fertility deity; afterwards, the woman carries it and treats it like a real child, dressing it up, adorning with jewelry and putting it to bed. After the birth of a daughter, a mother may give the doll to the child to play with and teach child care. The fertility dolls are always female. The Asante society is matrilineal, family lines being passed from mother to daughter so it is essential that the woman have daughters to perpetuate the family line. The Akau'maa illustrate the Asante concept of beauty : a high oval, flattened forehead that in reality is acheived by massaging an infants's soft skull; a small mouth; and a neck ringed to depict creases caused by fat indicating a healthy diet.

A doll like this can be bought from here for $19.99 (Exotic Imports home page) (I've seen others ranging from $50 to $200 - looked like the same doll). Parc Safari have similar ones, from Madagascar, for $10.95 and African Treasures colourful, beaded ones for $24.50).

A wide variety of African artefacts, including, no doubt, other fertility dolls, can be purchased from Africa In Gear (Awfully slow loading I'm afraid). OR African Gifts and Curios. (More varied - but wholesale???)

OK! How about Darkside African Exotics - or African Adventure" or A Piece of Africa. (I'm sorry - I just have not had much chance to look through these sites yet - I will do.)

Until I do further work on here, you could do worse than to search for Egyptian artefacts on my ANCIENT EGYPTIAN SITE or have a look at the Egyptian Bazaar.The Egyptian Bazaar

Do take a look at the Mythica Encyclopaedia (link below) for some wonderful tales and legends. For example:


The supreme god and creator of the Boshongo, a people in Zaire. In the beginning there was only darkness and water, and Bumba, racked with stomach pain, vomited up first the sun, than the moon, the earth, and all living creatures, the last of whom was mankind.



Ancestral spirits of Zulu religion, who whistle as they speak (hence the name, which literally means whistlers).



The god of the Alur tribesmen of Uganda and Zaire. The Alur believe that the world is full of spirits, djok, and consider that their ancestors manifest themselves in snake forms or in large rocks. When there is a draught or when the Alur are in need of rain, they sacrifice a black goat to Jok.

The literal meaning of the word is "creator". He is also known as Jok Odudu, "god of birth".


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