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Kokeshi dolls are traditionally simple in construction, made of wood, and shaped with a cylindrical body and round head. They originated as a childe's toy in the Tohiku region of northern Japan. Kokeshi are usually limbless and painted in bright floral designs, kimoni, or in other traditional patters. Due to its adorable looks, zealous kokeshi collectors can now purchase the doll all over Japan. Traditional kokeshi can be classified into probably 10 categories based on manufacturing technique, shape, and decoration. In addition, "contemporary" kokeshi are now making the scene, incorporating elements of modern art and sculpture. Kokeshi is now recognized as one of the traditional folk arts in Japan.

(Available from here)

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These red , roly-poly dolls are called Daruma. They are a depiction of the Indian priest Bodhidharma, who introduced Zen Buddhism to China from India. It is said that he lost the use of his arms and legs after spending nine years meditating in a cave. The daruma dolls are heavy on the bottom and bounce back when tipped over, so it has become a symbol of optimism, good fortune and strong determination. Usually daruma dolls are sold without the eyeballs painted in. People paint in one eye when they set out to do something and paint in the other one when they have achieved the goal.

(Also available from here)


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Wish List

Must have (maybe make) an indoor fountain as soon as very possible!

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Check out THIS SITE. It is an absolute MUST to learn about how to build your own indoor fountain. Other excellent sites on this subject can be found on the Indoor Fountain Webring.

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Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of placement and the concept of chíi. Chíi symbolizes the breath of nature, a life force inside all living things. It is an invisible energy that is constantly circulating, however it does tend to gather in certain places.

Feng Shui is becoming increasingly popular throughout the western world, although it has been a way of life in China for centuries. It is a system of arranging your home and workplace to provide the most beneficial and healthy environment. Items (some of which are described below) are used to act as 'cures' or 'remedies', activators, tools or enhancements and all are said to have qualities to improve any home, workplace or building. Some people swear by the benefits obtained by practising a little of this, others are sceptical about the benefits but like having these knick-knacks around the home anyway(!).


Moon Frog

The 3-legged Moon Frog (or toad) is perhaps the favourite accessory of the Chinese. In Chinese mythology, it lives only in the phase of the moon which it swallows during the eclipse. It symbolises the trinity of heaven, earth and humanity luck. Benefits: Wealth, long life, luck and safety. The coin in the mouth gives additional emphasis to prosperity. The wealth attraction is much enhanced when the frog is seated on a bed of coins. (The hub hasn't tried this yet - only a matter of time! :)). Positioning and Use: Anywhere in the living room or office, ideally in the weath-prosperity sector (south east). Can be placed facing in any direction, but ideally should be angled to face the door (but not directly in front of the door) to encourage wealth coming in.toad.jpg - 4041 Bytes


dragon.jpg - 4776 BytesOne of the most powerful chinese creatures, it symbolises Strength, Wisdom and Protection. Benefits: Protection, support and strength. Also will help protect relationships and occupants in any home. Positioning and Use: Can be auspiciously positioned anywhere. If placed near a doorway it gives protection.

Mandarin Ducks

Regarded by the Chinese as symbolic of fortunate partnerships and marriage, they are therefore only used in pairs. Benefits: Romantic energy, loyal and long lasting marriages and partnerships, and also to attract a partner for single people. Positioning and Use: Use in Relationships sector of the house, bedroom or living room. To attract a partner, the ducks should face each other. To preserve a partnership, they should be alongside and face the same way. It is essential not to have a single duck and never more than one pair of ducks in one room.


As Feng Shui means 'wind and water' the windchime is a natural enhancement with many qualities. Benefits: Attracts, energises and prevents Chi flowing too quickly, thus reducing stress and antagonism. It is also beneficial to health. Chinese windchimes often carry symbols relating to different benefits, wealth, good fortune, love and others. Positioning and Use: Often hung in a hallway, corridor to slow and activate the Chi, they can also be auspiciously positioned in any room.

Laughing Buddha

buddha.jpg - 4910 BytesThis depiction of Buddha, the Maitreya Buddha, symbolises joy and wealth. When depicted with children this encourages children into your life. Benefits: Happiness, prosperity and good luck. Positioning and Use: Can be placed in any (or every!) room in a prominent position (not low down or on the floor). For bringing children, the Buddha is best positioned in the bedroom. Stroking the tummy of the Buddha is said to enhance good fortune.

Indoor Water Features

Water is a primary feature of Feng Shui (meaning, remember, 'wind and water'), and is a recommendation of virtually all Feng Shui consultants. The natural flow of moving water is one of the very best methods of activating and encouraging beneficial Chi. Benefits: Most auspicious for general well being and a healthy environment. It assists in healing relationships, resolving disputes. Moving water also attracts wealth. Positioning and Use: Can be placed in any area. Best in the North, East or South-East.

There are many different ways to improve chíi, but water is both the literal and symbolic source of life. Slow moving water allows chíi to accumulate, or even be formed. That is where fountains come in. depending on their placement, fountains can enhance different aspects of your life and improve your overall mental health.

Phew! There is so much more! Do get yourself a book, or check out the following interesting links.

It is my (personal) belief that none of this should be taken too seriously (for fear of disappointment and failure) - but the addition of some of all of these items into your home is sure to enhance it and make it a more enjoyable place to be in any case.

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Living Designs Feng Shui and much else (UK)

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Maneki Neko is a cat figurine. However, it is not just any kind of cat figurine. The one which sits and has it's front paw raised as if it is calling for someone is the only one that can be called a " Maneki neko". It just sits in your house or in your store. But it does bring the luck, the fortune and the customers into your store. It does invite the happiness to your home! It works as a kind of lucky charm ( something like a St. Christopher's charm) in Japan.


The gesture of Maneki Neko looks like it is inviting someone. It is actually representing a gesture of a cat washing its face.
Before it starts to rain, many cats wash their faces because they can feel the changing weather pattern. The keen sensory of a cat can detect the minute environmental changes, which make a cat uneasy. This is why a cat washes its face. It is trying to ease its anxiety.
Lots of places around the world have the proverb, "If a cat washes its face, it will rain."

Some people think an old saying from 9th Century China, "If a cat washes its face and ears, it will rain." might have been the origin of Maneki Neko folklore.

Do you think a person will really visit you when a cat washes its face ? Since a cat is a sensitive animal, it becomes nervous when it notices a person approaching. When it becomes nervous, a cat sometimes starts wandering around or washing its face.
These behaviors comfort the cat. A cat washes its face to relieve the anxiety toward the approaching visitor. But for a human being, it looks like " If a cat washes its face, a visitor will come."
This concept was combined with the fact that the gesture of a cat washing its face looked like a beckoning gesture. So, the people started a simple belief that if a person placed a figurine of a cat raising its front paw (which represents a beckoning gesture) the customers would come in.

Maneki Neko Club


Make a Maneki Neko

The best Maneki Neko range and the easiest to buy I have come across are at the JUN Japanese Gifts and Souvenir site

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This demure little creature is called "fukufuku" - no kidding!!

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