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I really don't appear to have very much on this page right now - but I realise that there is an awful lot going on in this part of the world - and I shall rectify the situation as quickly as possible. Some intense research is in order!


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Mexicolore - panatas (more panatas)

Aluna Joy Bookstore (Inca, Meyan, Andes)


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( Pañatas and Worry Dolls can be bought from here, but unless live in the USA, postage is prohibitive)




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Piñatas are colourfully decorated papier maché festive figures that come in a multitude of shapes and figures; they are traditionally filled with sweets and other goodies which are released when the piñata finally breaks under repeated thwacking with a stick by blindfolded contestants. The game involves much singing, cheering and growing excitement, for no-one knows exactly when the piñata will break or who will grab most of the treasure within!

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Poor little donkey! They're going to bash him to bits!


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According to Legend, Guatemalan children tell one worry to each doll when they go to bed at night and place the dolls under their pillow. In the morning, the dolls have taken their worries away!

An excerpt from the Mythica Encyclopaedia



A goddess of health and happiness. Originally a promiscuous woman cut in half by jealous lovers; her body grew into the first coca bush, whose leaves men were not supposed to chew until they had satisfied a woman's sexual needs. The ancient Peruvians believed coca brought health and happiness.

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Mayan Culture

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